Blog 169 Premature Labor
Premature labor can be scary if you are a pregnant woman. But, as always, the more you know, the more you can stay away from worry.
Blog 168 How to Get Community
Are you tired of facing life alone? Have you tried to find a community to belong to? Do you need a friend? God created us to live in communities of people. Having friends is important, as is being a...
Blog 167 Children Need Exercise
Exercise is important year around for children and their parents. Families can have lots of fun going for a walk together whether they must bundle up or bring extra water due to the heat. Exercise...
Blog 166 St John’s Wort
St. John’s wort, Hypericum perforatum, is a perennial member of the Hypericacae Family. St. John’s Wort (SJW) is an herb that has had many scientific studies done on it which give validation for its...
Blog 165 Healthy Snacks for Kids
Children need whole food snacks that are delicious to eat to build a healthier body.
Blog 164 The Importance of School Friends
Friendships contributes to children’s social skills. A child learns to converse with others and be sensitive to other people’s viewpoints.
Blog 163 Gestational Diabetes
There is a controversy surrounding the diagnosis of gestational diabetes, Gestational Carbohydrate Intolerance Diabetes. It is about whether gestational diabetes truly exists or if the normal body...
Blog 162 Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding
Women who have dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB) may have a variety of ailments. They need information to help them know when to get help with this womanly condition. Seeing a doctor is...
Blog 161 Is Aromatherapy Safe for Children?
When it comes to using aromatherapy for children, the number one consideration is safety. Is aromatherapy safe to use for children? What is aromatherapy anyway? Clinical aromatherapy is a part of...

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