Blog 185 How to Support Childhood Asthma

Blog 185 How to Support Childhood Asthma

Personal Story My little brother had an episode of asthma that landed him in the hospital when I was an elementary school child. The description of him in a hospital bed inside a tent that was helping him breathe painted a picture in my mind that was very scary for...

Blog 184 Adaptogens

American Ginseng Personal Story “Adaptogens” was a somewhat new term to me years ago when I began my study of the Naturally Healthy Herbalist Training course. I now take an adaptation every day to help my body deal with the stresses that come with my day-to-day life....
Blog 182 March Is Nutrition Month

Blog 182 March Is Nutrition Month

Your nutrition is your responsibility. I once read this quote in an article: “Each of us should take personal responsibility for our diet, and our children’s diet, and the government’s role should be to make certain it provides the best information possible to help...
Blog 181 How to Strengthen Immune Function in Pregnancy

Blog 181 How to Strengthen Immune Function in Pregnancy

Strengthen Your Immune Function We are exposed to many illnesses such as respiratory conditions, ear infections, sore throats, stomach bugs, and flus. Some of these illnesses can cause one to be bedridden for weeks. Our daily decisions affect the health of our immune...