Blog 172 Spearmint

Blog 172 Spearmint

Blast from the past! Do you remember this one?  “Carry the big fresh flavor, wherever you go, whatever you do.” This is a little jingle was for Wrigley’s Spearmint Gum. I remember, as a child, opening a package of spearmint gum, smelling the gum’s aromatic scent,...
Blog 166 St John’s Wort

Blog 166 St John’s Wort

St. John’s wort, Hypericum perforatum, is a perennial member of the Hypericacae Family. St. John’s Wort (SJW) is an herb that has had many scientific studies done on it which give validation for its use. St. John’s Wort can be used internally or externally, especially...
Blog 160 Red Clover

Blog 160 Red Clover

Red clover grows in undisturbed areas like mountain meadows or roadsides and on river or stream banks. It is delicate, so when you harvest it, handle it gently to preserve its medicinal and nutritional benefits. Red clover is used in cooking and the home pharmacy....
Blog 155 Pediatric Herbal Supplements

Blog 155 Pediatric Herbal Supplements

Multivitamins are the most common supplements used by parents for their children. Parents who use complementary and alternative medicine report that they also give their children herbal medicine sometimes. Teens also tend to choose herbal and dietary supplements when...
Blog 153 Plantain

Blog 153 Plantain

Speak of plantain, and most people think of a banana-like fruit. An herbalist knows that a weed called plantain is an herbal plant that brings people health benefits. The Native Americans called it “snakeweed” because they applied it to rattlesnake wounds. Plantain...
Blog 147 Oats

Blog 147 Oats

Oatmeal is a common breakfast porridge that is known for its heart-healthy nutrients. Oats can be ground into flour and used in baking. It is fed to animals. It is used as herbal medicine. The milky green tops of the oat plant and its oatstraw are used to support the...