Blog 50: Set Nutrition Goals

by | Jan 8, 2018 | Nutritional Tidbits

Setting nutrition goals is easier when you have a target to aim for. Each woman needs to evaluate where she currently stands regarding food. Once she makes time to reflect, she can decide to set goals and make changes in her nutrition.

Personal Story

I looked at my weight journal this morning. I gained a few pounds in 2017. I need to address this in 2018. It is time to reflect and set some goals to get back on the path to my destination of being physically fit so I can serve God and others.

Reflection Questions

I ask myself questions like these:

  • Am I consuming food that is harming me?
  • Am I eating too much for energy I expend?
  • Do I need certain foods to support the self-healing potential of my body?
  • Do I need to address the fundamental causes of any health condition I have?
  • Am I getting individualized treatment to heal my whole person?
  • Am I learning principles of healthy living and preventative medicine?

Journaling the answers to these questions is a first step to setting goals.

Set Goals

When setting goals, it is best to limit the number of changes I make at one time. I limit myself to working on one or two goals at a time.

Dave Ramsey says, “Nothing happens without focus. Don’t try to do everything at once. Take it one step at a time.” That’s why he created the Baby Steps which have lead millions of people to financial success.

I have created Nutritional Baby Steps to help me be successful in feeding myself.

  1. Trust in God in making nutritional decisions. He guides me to the answers I need.
  2. Drink pure water. Aim for drinking one half my body weight in ounces.
  3. Choose to eat just enough whole foods in their natural state, rather than processed food.
  4. Choose food for my individual unique needs.
  5. Correct with supplements any deficiencies that remain after my diet has been modified.
  6. Determine the cause for any deficiency: decreased absorption, increased requirement, etc.
  7. Correct anything I can self-treat for and seek help for those causes I can’t correct on my own.

I start with Baby Step 1. I pray for God’s guidance in choosing my nutritional goals. Then I do Step 2. When that is becoming a habit, I work on the next step, and so on.

Make Changes

I choose to reflect on my nutritional plan and set a goal to walk through the Nutritional Baby Steps. I take one step at a time. I revisit my plan throughout the year when I notice I am getting off the path to my goals.

Action Step

I encourage you to start this new year by reflecting on your nutritional needs, setting your goals, and taking baby steps to your destination.

May God bless your healthful endeavors!


P.S. Please encourage others by writing in the comment section.

1 Comment

  1. Tracy Nunes

    Excellent points to ponder Joni! The new year is a great time to evaluate how we are doing but I like your grace filled approach.


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