Prayer and self-reflection are a good place to start in setting goals for the new year. Reflection helps us see if we are heading down the right path toward the destination that God wants us to reach. Self-reflection is a key to a successful life. It helps us lead healthier lives by providing a quiet space where God can meet us and give us healing from the past, strength for today, and hope for our future. Reflection begins with prayer, continues with asking questions, and ends with setting goals.
Personal Story
Last January, I wrote: “One area I want to work on this year is the way I take care of myself. This year my self-care goal is to be physically and mentally fit.” I reflect on that goal by asking myself the question: “Did I improve the way I took care of myself physically and mentally?” I can see where my “Books Read” list for 2017 has over twenty entries that helped me become more mentally fit. I look at my fitness tracker and see that I intentionally took many steps each week in 2017. I look at my weight log and see that I gained 4 pounds this year. I ask myself, “Does this mean I filled my plate too full on a regular basis, had too many Kind bars, or ate when I was stressed-out?” I hope it means my walking gave me more muscle, which weighs more than fat. 😊 The point of reflection is to take time to see how well I met my goal to be physically and mentally fit.
I start reflecting with prayer. Some verses that help me:
- “Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my anxious thoughts;” Psalm 139:23
- “But each one must examine his own work, and then he will have reason for boasting in regard to himself alone, and not in regard to another.” Galatians 6:4
Ask Questions
Reaching our goals is like driving to the top of a mountain. We need to reflect on the trip by asking questions:
- Did I prayerfully set the destination/goal?
- Do I have step-by-step directions for getting there?
- Am I moving in the right direction?
- Do I need to correct any errors, like lack of supplies for the trip?
- Did I reach out for help if I got stuck?
- Did I give up because things got hard?
- Did I work hard to accomplish my goal and arrive at my destination?
- Did I set my goal big enough?
Set 2018 Goals
Prayerfully set a goal for one or more of these categories:
- Spiritual
- Intellectual
- Physical
- Marriage
- Family
- Social
- Financial
- Professional
- Ministry
Action Step
Set a time to reflect and set your 2018 goals this week.
May God bless your healthful endeavors!
P.S. Please encourage others by writing in the comment section.