by JoniS | Jan 1, 2024 | Family Management, Productivity, Women's Health
Personal Story I remember having numerous bouts of “mom guilt” when my children were little. My husband was a traveling salesman and was on the road from Monday morning to Thursday evening. I was trying to do everything for each of my children, home school, manage our...
by JoniS | Sep 1, 2023 | Family Management, Productivity, Women's Health
Personal Story As I write this blog, my mom is in the emergency room. I can’t help but think of all the times she helped me when I was a child, teenager, college student, mother, and an empty nester. Even now, I know I can call her whenever I need to talk about...
by JoniS | Aug 1, 2023 | Pregnancy, Women's Health
Personal Story I don’t remember if I ever had a urinary tract infection during any of my pregnancies, but I do know urinary tract infections are very, very painful. I can vouch for that from experience! Urinary Tract Infections in Pregnancy It is important to...
by JoniS | Jul 1, 2023 | Women's Health
Personal Story In my life, I have only worn lipstick a few times. I tend to prefer lip balm. I do admire women who can pull off wearing lipstick. It makes them “standout” in a group. It is interesting to me that there is a holiday, of sorts, to celebrate lipstick....
by JoniS | Jan 1, 2023 | Family Health, Food Sensitivities, Health Education, Women's Health
There are many barriers and defenses by which the intestinal tract mucosa is exposed to bacteria, antigens, and chemicals and yet it can still select what is absorbed and secreted. Leaky Gut Syndrome is an alteration in the intestine’s barrier function that causes...
by JoniS | Jul 1, 2022 | Women's Health
One of the worst pains in the world is passing kidney stones. Of course, active labor and childbirth is considered the worst pain in the world, but at least you have a baby at the end of the pain. Historically, more men than women are affected with kidney stones, but...