Blog 126 Natural Childbirth

Blog 126 Natural Childbirth

Childbirth options include natural unaided childbirth, aided childbirth, or Cesarean operation (C-section). The baby’s birth could take place naturally at home, in a birth center, or in the hospital. The mother can learn about the risks and benefits of the different...
Blog 120 Health During the Third Trimester of Pregnancy

Blog 120 Health During the Third Trimester of Pregnancy

There are several health concerns a woman might have during her third trimester of pregnancy. These include constipation, hypertension, Group B Strep infection, urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy, insomnia, breach presentation and version, and others. We...
Blog 114 Second Trimester Pregnancy Health

Blog 114 Second Trimester Pregnancy Health

A woman often enjoys the second trimester of pregnancy. Many times, the nausea and vomiting of the first trimester has subsided and she enjoys feeling the baby’s movements as they gain strength.  One of the conditions that the pregnant mom might need help with...
Blog 108 Pregnancy Health

Blog 108 Pregnancy Health

The first trimester of a woman’s pregnancy is when her body goes through many changes. To be healthy, a woman needs to be intentional about taking care of herself. Dr. Roger Walch wrote an article, Lifestyle and Mental Health, which outlined eight important...
Blog 96 Depression During Pregnancy

Blog 96 Depression During Pregnancy

Depression is when a woman has a depressed mood. When this mood lasts longer than two weeks or she is losing interest in life itself, she needs to seek professional help. Some women experience depression during their pregnancy, called Antepartum Depression (AD). If...
Blog 90 Diarrhea During Pregnancy

Blog 90 Diarrhea During Pregnancy

Diarrhea is a condition when a person has “at least three loose or liquid bowel movements each day.”  It literally means “flowing through.”  A person can experience associated cramps that cause discomfort before or during bowel elimination. For the pregnant woman,...