Blog 202 Can Herbs Grow Indoors?

Blog 202 Can Herbs Grow Indoors?

Personal Story I love my house plants! I believe they have many positive health benefits. They are green. This means they give me a mental boost when I look at them on a dreary winter’s day. They help clean the air. I love herbs so much I like to grow them indoors....
Blog 196 Herb Garden Dreaming

Blog 196 Herb Garden Dreaming

Personal Story I have been gardening since I was a small child following my mom around in her vegetable garden. She would poke holes in a row, and I would drop seeds in each of them and smooth the dirt. I continued vegetable gardening as a young wife and mother. I...

Blog 184 Adaptogens

American Ginseng Personal Story “Adaptogens” was a somewhat new term to me years ago when I began my study of the Naturally Healthy Herbalist Training course. I now take an adaptation every day to help my body deal with the stresses that come with my day-to-day life....
Blog 178 Yarrow

Blog 178 Yarrow

Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) is a flowering herb that grows in North America, Asia, and Europe. It is one of the oldest plants that are made into herbal preparations. Yarrow can be used internally and externally to support the body’s healing processes....