Blog 98 Healthy Treats for the Holidays
The holidays are a time of celebration with family and friends. Festivities usually involve serving food for those who gather for the event. When we endeavor to stay on the path to a healthier life,...
Blog 97 Hospitality, a Healthful Endeavor
Hospitality is “the friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers.” How is hospitality a healthful endeavor? In order to be truly healthy, we need to realize...
Blog 96 Depression During Pregnancy
Depression is when a woman has a depressed mood. When this mood lasts longer than two weeks or she is losing interest in life itself, she needs to seek professional help. Some women experience...
Blog 95 Depression
With the coming of Fall, the days are getting shorter. Less sunshine can bring on a type of depression. Depression can affect anyone. It is important to know what depression is, identify its...
Blog 94 Diaper Rash
A baby with a diaper rash can be miserable. The pain can be caused by the lack of air and light to the bottom because of wearing a diaper for many hours each day. To make matters worse, disposable...
Blog 93 Crampbark
Crampbark is an herb that Native Americans used medicinally for reducing swollen glands and treating eye disorders, fluid retention, and mumps. Historically, it helps spasmodic uterine pains,...
Blog 92 Sweet!
Sweeteners are added nutrients that make food taste good. There are many sweeteners to choose from. Some are better than others, and others are just bad. Let’s look at sweeteners and discover the...
Blog 91 Making Your Kitchen Work for You
A woman spends a good deal of time in her kitchen. Besides cooking food to eat and cleaning up, the kitchen is a center of social gatherings. Making time to organize and stock the kitchen will help...
Blog 90 Diarrhea During Pregnancy
Diarrhea is a condition when a person has “at least three loose or liquid bowel movements each day.” It literally means “flowing through.” A person can experience associated cramps that cause...

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