Blog 199 Herb Safety in Pregnancy

Blog 199 Herb Safety in Pregnancy

Personal Story When I was pregnant, I didn’t want to take anything that could possibly hurt my baby. I didn’t take over-the-counter medicines like Tylenol.  I did consume a prenatal that was recommended by my doctor. I wasn’t into herbs at the time, but I wish I...
Blog 197 Healthy Habits for Summer

Blog 197 Healthy Habits for Summer

Personal Story Summer! Who doesn’t love the fun of summer? It is a great time of freedom for children and their families. It’s a great time to decompress and enjoy being together without the busyness of the usual school routine. As a child, I remember taking a blanket...
Blog 196 Herb Garden Dreaming

Blog 196 Herb Garden Dreaming

Personal Story I have been gardening since I was a small child following my mom around in her vegetable garden. She would poke holes in a row, and I would drop seeds in each of them and smooth the dirt. I continued vegetable gardening as a young wife and mother. I...

Blog 195 Can Nutrition Affect Height?

Personal Story I am short! Well, I am shorter than many women, and my mother is shorter than I am! I know genetics plays a part in the height a person attains, but my research in answering the question “Can nutrition affect height?” has lead me to some interesting...