Blog 191 Where Health Begins

by | Dec 12, 2023 | Family Health, Health Education

Personal Story

When someone I loved lay dying on her bed, I was reflecting on the cancer that seemed to be eating her alive. She was a good, Christian woman who believed in God and seemed to do everything right with her eating. Why didn’t she enjoy good health? Was it something she did? Didn’t do? It was puzzling to me as a young mother. What did I need to do to stay healthy and keep my family healthy. I did not have a good answer then, but I have learned some important things about health.

What Is Health?

Before we can discuss where health begins, we need to know what health is. Health is not found in a pill, herbal medicine, or a hormonal cream. Health involves our bodies, our minds, and our spirits. A healthy person is a whole person who focuses especially on our spiritual relationship with God. Only God can give us health.

Where Does Health Begin?

Health begins with God. That is the only true statement. We can do everything right- eat the right food, take all the right supplements, exercise just right, sleep just right, etc.- and still get sick. Why is that? We cannot create health. Only God can provide that for us.

Illness doesn’t come from not eating correctly. It came because man sinned.

We celebrate Christmas because this is when we remember that Jesus left his home in heaven and came to earth as a baby to heal the world from the curse of sin.

We are not free from the effects of sin yet, and illness is one of those effects. That is why we look forward to our heavenly home where there will be no more sickness or death.


This Christmas, take a few minutes to ponder where health begins and give credit where credit is due.

May God bless you on your wellness journey!


P.S. What are your thoughts on where health begins?


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