Personal Story
I don’t remember if I ever had a urinary tract infection during any of my pregnancies, but I do know urinary tract infections are very, very painful. I can vouch for that from experience!
Urinary Tract Infections in Pregnancy
It is important to address urinary tract infections (UTIs) that occur during pregnancy. You might know UTIs by another name- bladder infection. A pregnant women would want to see a health care provider who is knowledgeable with pregnancy and contraindicated herbs who could supervise the herbal therapy that would occur in conjunction with obstetric care.
Will a UTI Affect the Baby?
If the UTI goes untreated, it could lead to a kidney infection. This could result in early labor and low birth weight. If the pregnant mother gets support early and correctly, a UTI will not harm the baby.
Avoiding UTI’s
Here are some things one could do to reduce the likelihood of getting a bladder infection while pregnant.
- Drinking 6 to 8 glasses of filtered water every day and adding lemon juice regularly can reduce the likelihood of a bladder infection. If a UTI is present, one could drink a half liter unsweetened cranberry or blueberry juice every day. Drink plenty of herbal teas to increase urine output.
- Try to avoid refined food, all simple sugars, full strength fruit juice, refined carbohydrates, caffeine, alcohol, and food allergens.
- Use the restroom as soon as the need is felt and enter the bladder completely when you urinate.
- Wipe front to back.
- Urinate before and after intercourse.
- Change underwear everyday choose all-cotton or cotton-crotch underwear.
- Avoid strong soaps, hygiene sprays, powders, and douches.
Body Support for UTI’s
The goal for body support during a urinary tract infection (UTI) is to aid the body’s defenses by:
- increasing the amount of urine
- encouraging a good pH to slow bacteria’s growth. A high pH can signal a UTI.
- preventing adherence of bacteria to the wall of the bladder
- improving the immune system’s response to invaders
Dietary Support
One of the major factors affecting urine pH is the food a person eats. There’s some research that shows diets high in animal protein and cereal grains are more acidic while diets high in fruits and vegetables are more alkaline, or basic.
Acidic foods include:
- grains
- sodas
- animal-protein foods
- sugary foods
Alkaline foods include:
- nuts
- vegetables
- most fruits
- You might consume foods that contain probiotics like those found in Kefir or live culture yogurt to enhance your immune system.
- Consuming 2 – 4 garlic cloves daily might help reduce the chances of infection by attacking and weakening bacterial biofilms like the E. coli bacteria, a cause for UTIs. It also decreases the adhesion ability of bacteria to the bladder wall. Do not consume too much, especially during pregnancy.
Nutritional and Herbal Supplement Support
Herbal teas are the best way to consume herbal preparations during a UTI because they also increase the amount of urine output. Drinking herbal teas throughout the day may benefit you. An herbal tea that has astringent properties is red raspberry, which is generally considered safe for short term use in second and third trimesters of pregnancy. Antiseptics inhibit the growth of infectious agents. Always check with your healthcare practitioner before using any herbs during pregnancy.
- Some Vitamin C supplements could be taken, but too much vitamin C might lead to a miscarriage.
- Probiotics can help the infection and prevent its return. To help your immune system function against an infection, probiotic supplements could be considered.
- Echinacea might be considered to support immunoactivity and the immune system.
- For a urinary tract infection, you might consider cranberry to keep the bacteria from adhering to the bladder wall.
- Marshmallow might be considered to soothe inflamed mucous membranes in the urinary tract.
- If needed, corn silk might provide relief from the burning effect of urine.
- Nettles
Topical applications may be helpful. It is essential in botanical treatment of vaginal infections to treat both sexual partners. Sitz baths might be taken daily from calendula, chamomile, lavender, or other herbs.
Check with your health care practitioner to see which of the above suggestions would be good for you to employ to reduce your risk of urinary tract infections or promote healing responses in your body while pregnant.
May God bless you on your wellness journey!
P.S. Have you ever had a urinary tract infection while you were pregnant?