We are exposed to many illnesses such as respiratory conditions, ear infections, sore throats, stomach bugs, and flus. Some of these illnesses can cause one to be bedridden for weeks. Our daily decisions affect the health of our immune systems. There are exceptions to this, of course. We know we can do everything “right” and still get sick. In general, the way our immune system responds to challenges is often like how our own body was made and what weaknesses and strengths have been passed down to us from our parents and grandparents. The spiritual health, food choices, and lifestyle choices of those we come from greatly impact our own health. This is true for all individuals of the family, even pregnant women. Pregnant women can learn to strengthen their immune function.
Personal Story
When I was about to give birth to my third child, my husband and the two older boys were ill. I needed to be sure my pregnant body was as healthy as possible to give birth in a few days. I did what I could to practice good hygiene, get good rest, and eat well to bolster my immune system. I now know other ways that would have helped in that situation.
Prevention is our goal. Once we are ill, it is more difficult to gain an excellent response from either conventional or natural medicine. There are several natural therapies that can help us in our quest for a strengthened immune system. These are generally considered safe for a pregnant woman, but please consult with your health care professional to be sure.
1. Rest- rest has been shown to lower stress levels, improve immune function, and improve family relations.
2. Sleep- get plenty of sleep, especially if you start to feel the symptoms of an illness coming on.
3. Be happy! – Proverbs 17:22 says, “A happy heart is good medicine, and a joyful mind causes healing, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.”
4. Personal hygiene- wash hands well. As much as possible, isolate yourself from others if they are ill.
5. Water- drink plenty of purified water every day.
6. Sun- let sunlight shine on you. Sunlight kills germs and helps our body make vitamin D which strengthens the immune system.
7. Eat fruits and veggies every day- Eat a variety of five to nine colored fruits and vegetables every day. They contain vitamins and minerals that can give your immune system a boost.
Pregnant women want to build their immunity to fight germs. Think of immunity as the way our body builds its defense to prevent germs from taking up residence and causing illness. Our immune system’s job is to recognize and ignore all the cells and tissues within our body while it simultaneously attacks all germy “intruders” such as viruses, bacteria, and fungi. We build good immunity through good nutrition, supplements, and a healthy lifestyle.
The blogs on Lavender Path Wellness give many helpful tips on how to nourish our bodies with food, find quality supplements, and develop a healthy lifestyle. Pregnant women can read many posts that details ways to build good immunity. If you need help with something, please post a question in the comment section.