Blog 61: Benefits of a Clutter-free Home

by | Mar 26, 2018 | Organization

Clutter is a problem in many homes these days. If a woman is honest, she might admit that she wastes a lot of time looking for things amidst the clutter. Perhaps she looks for her car keys or a bill she needs to pay on her desk that has many piles of work projects, junk mail, and her children’s school papers. Recognizing she has a problem with clutter is often not enough to motivate her to do something about it. Learning the benefits of having a clutter-free home will help motivate a woman to get rid of the clutter that causes her stress that could one day threaten her health.

Personal Story

When I look at a lot of clutter and can’t find something, I start to feel stress building inside me. I have learned that the best thing for me to do is to take a few minutes each day to start organizing the mess. I set a timer for 5-10 minutes and see how much progress I can make. As I begin to create order, I throw away the trash I run across, make piles for the children to take to their rooms, and do other grouping. In a few days, I start to feel the benefits of getting clutter free.

Benefits of a Clutter-free Home

As I mentioned above, there is a lot of clutter in homes, especially in the United States where there are lots of opportunities to buy all kinds of things. When you know “why” you want to de-clutter, you  are motivated to rid yourself of clutter. One or more of these  reasons could be your “why”.

Having a clutter-free home helps me…

  • find things without wasting a lot of time
  • make the best use of my space in my home, whatever size it is
  • clean easier, since there isn’t so much stuff to work around
  • have less stress and better health
  • have a well-ordered home that is beautiful
  • not be afraid to have company stop by unannounced

It takes more than organizing and cleaning to find what you are looking for in your home, it takes determination to get rid of excess clutter.

Action Step

Take the step of creating a plan and choose to clear the clutter from your home. Just do it!

May God bless your healthful endeavors!


P.S. Please encourage others by writing in the comment section.

1 Comment

  1. Tracy Nunes

    There is a lot of wisdom in your posts Joni. I like the tip on tackling little bits of chaos a little bit at a time. Thank you!


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