by JoniS | Jan 15, 2025 | Family Health, Family Management, Health Info, Men's Health, Productivity, Women's Health
Who Are You Becoming? John Mark Comer asked himself this question on a plane on the way home from London. He appeared to be successful on the outside, but on the inside, things were not pretty. He realized that being too busy was destroying his health, his...
by JoniS | Sep 1, 2023 | Family Management, Productivity, Women's Health
Personal Story As I write this blog, my mom is in the emergency room. I can’t help but think of all the times she helped me when I was a child, teenager, college student, mother, and an empty nester. Even now, I know I can call her whenever I need to talk about...
by JoniS | Sep 1, 2022 | Productivity
The first day of Fall is September 22 this year. This means we are fast approaching the beginning of the last quarter of 2022. I always think about evaluating my goals to see if I’m on track for the year. This year we moved to MO, so many of my goals for day-to...