Blog 172 Spearmint

Blog 172 Spearmint

Blast from the past! Do you remember this one?  “Carry the big fresh flavor, wherever you go, whatever you do.” This is a little jingle was for Wrigley’s Spearmint Gum. I remember, as a child, opening a package of spearmint gum, smelling the gum’s aromatic scent,...
Blog 169 Premature Labor

Blog 169 Premature Labor

Premature labor can be scary if you are a pregnant woman. But, as always, the more you know, the more you can stay away from worry. Preterm labor happens in about 12% of all pregnancies so it’s important to understand what it is, what the risk factors are, what...
Blog 163 Gestational Diabetes

Blog 163 Gestational Diabetes

There is a controversy surrounding the diagnosis of gestational diabetes, Gestational Carbohydrate Intolerance Diabetes. It is about whether gestational diabetes truly exists or if the normal body mechanisms of pregnancy are clearly understood. This controversy may...
Blog 138 Induction of Labor, Guest Post by Debby Sapp

Blog 138 Induction of Labor, Guest Post by Debby Sapp

My guest writer for today’s post on the “Induction of Labor” is Debby Sapp. She is a Certified Family & Women’s Health Educator, Certified Clinical Herbalist, and a Doula. We have known each other since about 2011 when we were both taking the Naturally Healthy...
Blog 132 Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Section

Blog 132 Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Section

Did you birth a child via a Cesarean Section (C-section)? If so, you might be wondering if you must have another C-section if you have another baby. You’ll be happy to know that it can be possible to have a vaginal birth after a C-section. You can educate yourself...