Blog 35: How to Handle Headaches

Blog 35: How to Handle Headaches

When a woman has a headache, she has a pain somewhere in her head. This pain is in her forehead, temples, back of her head, or even her neck. There are different kinds of headaches. Primary headaches are headaches which are not the symptom of a disease. The tension...
Blog 23: Vaginal Infections

Blog 23: Vaginal Infections

Many women get a vaginal infection sometime during their lifetime. Vaginal infections occur when the conditions are just right, and the symptoms include itching and discharge in the vaginal area. When a woman’s vaginal ecosystem is out of balance, vaginal conditions...
Blog 17: Battling PMS, Part 2

Blog 17: Battling PMS, Part 2

The main defense for women who battle PMS symptoms is education. They need to take time to make a battle plan.  This is best done by consulting with others and independent research. The weapons a woman of any age can use to fight PMS symptoms and support her body are...
Blog 11: Battling PMS, Part 1

Blog 11: Battling PMS, Part 1

Premenstrual syndromes (PMS) affect many women who are in their reproductive years. Women with PMS experience a variety of physical and mental symptoms which can cause discomfort during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. The symptoms begin around one to two...