by JoniS | Jun 12, 2017 | Whole Foods
There is a lot of talk about fat these days. Many people go on low-fat diets thinking that the diet will help them lose weight. Low fat diets are not good for us! We need to eat undamaged, healthy fat every day. Fat provides energy for our body, stores energy for...
by JoniS | May 1, 2017 | Whole Foods
Did you know that protein makes up makes up the second largest part of your body composition? Water is the largest percentage, at 60%. The next largest percentage is protein, which is about 16 %. There are three types of protein function: muscle protein (the largest...
by JoniS | Feb 6, 2017 | Whole Foods
“Mom! What’s for dinner?’ I have heard that question hundreds of times. I have answered with a quick reply, but how much thought have I really given to the life-giving nutrition dinner can contain? I am continually trying to give meal planning and nourishing my body a...