Blog 187 Pregnancy Urinary Tract Infections

Personal Story I don’t remember if I ever had a urinary tract infection during any of my pregnancies, but I do know urinary tract infections are very, very painful. I can vouch for that from experience! Urinary Tract Infections in Pregnancy It is important to...
Blog 181 How to Strengthen Immune Function in Pregnancy

Blog 181 How to Strengthen Immune Function in Pregnancy

Strengthen Your Immune Function We are exposed to many illnesses such as respiratory conditions, ear infections, sore throats, stomach bugs, and flus. Some of these illnesses can cause one to be bedridden for weeks. Our daily decisions affect the health of our immune...
Blog 177 Weight Loss After Pregnancy

Blog 177 Weight Loss After Pregnancy

Losing weight after pregnancy is complicated. Our culture creates an obsession for a woman to return her body back to her normal appearance soon after she has her baby. However, that obsession can cause problems for both mothers and their infants. Let’s look at some...
Blog 175 Strengthen Pregnancy Bladder Function

Blog 175 Strengthen Pregnancy Bladder Function

A leaking bladder can be one of the most embarrassing things that happens to a woman! When pregnant, the baby putting pressure on your bladder can cause you to wet yourself when you laugh or cough. What are some things a pregnant woman can do to minimize this problem?...
Blog 169 Premature Labor

Blog 169 Premature Labor

Premature labor can be scary if you are a pregnant woman. But, as always, the more you know, the more you can stay away from worry. Preterm labor happens in about 12% of all pregnancies so it’s important to understand what it is, what the risk factors are, what...