by JoniS | Jan 22, 2018 | Family Health
Women can gain knowledge that leads to a healthier life. Many times, women can choose self-care options, but there are situations that outside help is necessary. Having a health care team in place can provide women needed support. Personal Story My family has moved to...
by JoniS | Dec 11, 2017 | Family Health
It’s that time of the year! It’s the time when stomach bugs bring discomfort to children and adults. We need to determine if the stomachache is a mild upset stomach or something worse that needs medical attention. If the pain persists, it may be a symptom of an...
by JoniS | Oct 30, 2017 | Family Health
Strong bones are important for everyone in the family. We don’t even think about our bones unless they are injured. We can intentionally build stronger bones. Personal Story I was taking Tung Soo Do, a form of Korean karate. It was my turn to break a cement block with...
by JoniS | Sep 18, 2017 | Family Health
Germs are everywhere! Some people cough. Others sneeze and cover surfaces with viruses or bacteria. Germs are spread by touching objects, breathing the air, and bad hygiene. Boosting your family’s immune systems is an important task. Personal Story I teach in a day...
by JoniS | Aug 7, 2017 | Family Health
Personal hygiene is taught, not just caught. It involves both teaching and follow-up. Teaching children about germs, cavities, body odor, and other topics is accomplished as part of daily routines and intentional times of education. Follow-up is an important part of...
by JoniS | Jun 26, 2017 | Family Health
Every family member needs to get enough sleep. Each person can learn good sleep habits. Both parents and children are able to develop routines which can aid sleep. Quality rest is important. Getting enough sleep helps the immune system because night-time is when the...