Blog 52 Building a Health Care Team

Blog 52 Building a Health Care Team

Women can gain knowledge that leads to a healthier life. Many times, women can choose self-care options, but there are situations that outside help is necessary. Having a health care team in place...

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Blog 51: Burdock

Blog 51: Burdock

Burdock has the reputation for being a weed. Rumor has it that Velcro was created by a hunter who modeled it after the burrs that stuck to his pants after a hunting trip. The hunter might not have...

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Blog 50: Set Nutrition Goals

Blog 50: Set Nutrition Goals

Setting nutrition goals is easier when you have a target to aim for. Each woman needs to evaluate where she currently stands regarding food. Once she makes time to reflect, she can decide to set...

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Blog 49: Set Goals for 2018

Blog 49: Set Goals for 2018

Prayer and self-reflection are a good place to start in setting goals for the new year. Reflection helps us see if we are heading down the right path toward the destination that God wants us to...

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Blog 46: Stomachaches

Blog 46: Stomachaches

It’s that time of the year! It’s the time when stomach bugs bring discomfort to children and adults. We need to determine if the stomachache is a mild upset stomach or something worse that needs...

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Blog 45: 3 Uses for Sage

Blog 45: 3 Uses for Sage

If you had turkey and stuffing on Thanksgiving, you probably ate sage. Sage was used in biblical times for food and medicine and was thought to improve brain function, fertility, heart blockages,...

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