Blog 71 Tips for a Woman With Acne
Acne is a common condition in woman. A woman suffering from acne needs to think about the risks vs. benefit of conventional vs. alternative therapy. If she chooses to try alternative therapies, she...
Blog 70 Family Exercise Is Fun!
Daily exercise is a key to good health. Every member of the family needs to be active. Family exercise is fun when you consider the appropriate exercise each age. Personal Story My five children are...
Blog 69: Lavender Is a Lovely Herb
Blog 69: Lavender Is a Lovely Herb Lavender is a beautiful flower with a lovely scent. It has many uses as herbal medicine, in body care products, and around the home. Personal Story Lavender is one...
Blog 68 Tips for Reading Food Labels
Do you know how to read a food label? Are you able to know it is a good product to consume? Here are some tips to help you. Personal Story My journey into reading product labels took a steep incline...
Blog 67: Spend Time in Nature
Women can benefit from the healthful endeavor of getting outside and spending time in nature. Spending a few minutes or a few hours can help a woman in her quest for a healthier life. Personal Story...
Blog 65 Help for the Anxious Pregnant Woman
Many women experience anxiety at some time in their lives. Anxiety is an emotion of fear or worry about common situations that are out of our control. Anxiety can stem from something good like a...
Blog 65 Help for the Anxious Woman
Many women experience anxiety at some time in their lives. Anxiety is an emotion of fear or worry about common situations. This anxiety can stem from something good like a job promotion or from...
Blog 64 How to Use Herbs Safely in Your Family
The best thing about herbal medicine, in my opinion, is that botanicals are natural products made from plants. People have traditional uses for herbal remedies that have stood the test of time....
Blog 63: Real Marshmallow Is Herbal Medicine
When I am describing the herbal remedy “marshmallow”, I’m not talking about the sugary marshmallows roasted for S’mores. According to history, marshmallow root was once used to make the sugary...

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