Blog 57 Astragalus

by | Feb 26, 2018 | Herbs

Astragalus is adaptogen and deep immune stimulation herb. An adaptogen is an “agent” (go-between) that increases the body’s ability to cope with non-specific stress and has a nourishing and tonic effect on the body. Traditionally, astragalus has been used to improve immune function and help prevent colds, infections, influenza, bronchitis, mononucleosis, and other forms of attacks on the immune system. Recently, the herb has been used to improve blood flow in the heart conditions of mild congestive heart failure and angina. Studies have shown that regularly using astragalus prevents liver and kidney damage from viruses and medications when combined with other liver and kidney protective herbs. Astragalus is an adaptogen and deep immune stimulation herb that provides support for a woman’s body.

Personal Story

When I first used astragalus for immune support during an upper respiratory infection, I wasn’t aware of cautions or its full potential. I took it to give support for an acute infection. Acute means an illness which comes on quickly, has a short length, progresses rapidly, and requires immediate care. I didn’t realize astragalus is a “star” that shines in chronic illness. Chronic illness is an illness that lasts for more than three months.  Now I know that astragalus is not used for an acute illness, because it can cause recovery to stagnate.

Medicinal Uses


Astragalus is an adaptogen that aids the stress response.

  • It helps the response to stress by acting on the adrenal glands or the hypothalamus to regulate them. This reduces anxiety levels, improves focus, concentration, motivation, and endurance.
  • It helps reduce fatigue.
  • It is taken daily to support those who need help. Students, busy mothers, and high-pressured dads benefit so they can do at their best in their work.

Deep Immune Activator

Astragalus is a deep immune activator.

  • Deep immune activators nourish the bone-marrow, which enables the marrow to produce reserves of immune enhancers. Astragalus is a deep immune herb. Deep immune herbs need to be taken for long time periods, such as several weeks to several years, because they are foods like teas or vegetable soups that build up our immune systems, especially when there is extreme immune deficiency or weakness.
  • The difference between the use of surface immune stimulators and deep immune activators is due to the type of infection the body has. Surface immune stimulators are used for a short time when the infection is not deeply embedded in the body. Deep immune activators, such as astragalus, are used for longer periods of time for infections which result from extreme immune weakness or deficiency.


Astragalus Class 1, meaning it is “can be safely consumed when used appropriately.” However, astragalus should not be given to children who have a fever, since it could extend the fever or increase the child’s temperature.

Some say astragalus should not be given with immunosuppressive medication due to possible interactions.

Action Step

I learned that I need to seek safety information before taking herbs like astragalus. I urge you to keep gaining a wealth of knowledge about herbs.

May God bless your healthful endeavors!


P.S. Please encourage others by writing about your experience with using astragalus in the comment section.


Adaptogens, by David Winston and Steven Maimes

Naturally Healthy Herbs, by Shonda Parker


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