Many women struggle with how to eat well during the holiday season. They know there are all kinds of temptations which can derail their endeavors to live a healthier life. Women know about the upcoming office Christmas party and all the delightful sweets it offers. They see the coming annual family Christmas feast in their mind’s eye. Then they imagine the New Year’s Eve party, complete with food galore. Yes! Women know what’s coming. How can they reach their goal of enjoying camaraderie of the holidays without jeopardizing their health or weight goals? Planning is the key to a woman’s success.
Personal Story
I was depressed! We had just said goodbye to our children and grandchildren. We wouldn’t see them again for a long time. As depressing as that was, I was also discouraged about the weight I had gained during the holidays. It was only 5 pounds, but I needed a plan to prevent weight gain.
Plan Your Holiday Eating
I believe the best way to maintain weight when the holidays roll around is to plan. Being spontaneous limits your healthful eating options.
What to Eat When Traveling to Grandma’s House
There is no need to waste time in a fast food restaurant when you pack a cooler with your own healthy food. Here are some ideas:
- fruit
- vegetables
- sandwiches
- nuts and dried fruit
- If you would like some tortilla chips, prepare individual servings and don’t munch straight from the bag.
What to Eat on Christmas Day
- Start the day with a protein and veggie breakfast.
- Bring along some fruit and nuts for a snack to stave off hunger until it is time to eat.
- Provide healthy dishes for the feast, such as a green salad or vegetable.
- Choose lean cuts of meat.
- Have a small piece of one dessert or two half pieces.
- It’s hard to pass up some tasty dishes. It’s okay to try a bite of a few calorie-rich food items.
Remember your goal of enjoying the camaraderie of Christmas without jeopardizing your health or weight goals. Here is a visual of a healthful, balanced plate:
- ½ veggies
- ¼ protein
- ¼ starch
Watching portion sizes is the key to having a great meal without overeating.
What to Eat at the Office or New Year’s Eve Party
- Eating at a party is basically eating a meal. Visualize the amount of food that you would eat from a luncheon plate as you eat the veggies, protein and starch in small portions.
- Eat some protein and veggies before you go to the party.
- Take along a few nuts if there is nothing you can eat.
- Look over your options before you fill your plate and choose small portions of the healthiest options.
Action Step
Take time now to plan so you can stay on the path to a healthier you during the holiday season.
May God bless your healthful endeavors!
P.S. Please encourage others by writing about how you stay on track during the holidays in the comment section above.