Blog 211 What to Do About Heartburn in Pregnancy

Blog 211 What to Do About Heartburn in Pregnancy

by | Feb 17, 2025 | Pregnancy

Blog 211 What to Do About Heartburn in Pregnancy

Pregnancy heartburn is caused by a reflux of gastric acids into the lower esophagus. The condition is sometimes called Gastroesophageal reflux disease- or GERD. Usually, GERD occurs after meals or when lying down. It appears as a burning sensation under the sternum of the chest and can radiate to the throat or neck. It often results in “wet belches.” About two thirds of pregnant women experience heartburn, especially in late pregnancy. Pregnant women want to know how they can safely get relief when they have heartburn or avoid it in the first place.

Foods to Avoid

If you frequently have heartburn, you may want to avoid any foods that trigger heartburn for you. These foods differ from person to person and maybe even from day to day. Journal your foods and note any GERD you experience after eating them. Notice when there are patterns that reveal themselves.

Some common foods the lead to heartburn are alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, coffee, colas, fatty foods, peppermint, and milk. Milk may provide some relief right after intake, but the heartburn returns with vigor due to the way it increases stomach acid.  

Other people may need to eliminate tomato products like tomato sauce or pizza.

Tips for Eating

Do your best to eat slowly and chew your food well.

Eat to satisfy need, not want. Overeating can cause more heartburn. Perhaps, you could try eating six to eight small frequent meals.

You might chew gum to see if that helps relieve symptoms.

Some midwives encourage their clients to thoroughly chew 8 to 10 raw almonds and swallow them. This could be repeated several times each day. Almonds are nutritive and there are no expected side effects or contraindications for this food in pregnancy.

There are several herbs which are used for heartburn. Please reach out to me to see if you could safely use them.  

Tips for Sleeping

Stay upright for 1 – 2 hours after eating to reduce the chances of suffering from heartburn after a meal.

If you are lying down, lie on your left side and keep your chest and head higher than the rest of your body. You could try raising the head of your bed six inches.

Sleeping propped up with pillows has helped some pregnant mommas with their GERD.

Consider sleeping in a recliner surrounded by pillows, making a little nest, especially in late pregnancy.


Heartburn is an uncomfortable condition for many pregnant mommas. The women can learn what foods they should avoid, how to eat to reduce the chances of experiencing heartburn, and try sleeping positions that may help them avoid having problems with GERD.

If you are pregnant, please try these ideas and let me know how they worked for you. If you know someone who is pregnant, please share this blog with them so they know what to do if they start experiencing heartburn in their pregnancy.

May God bless you on your wellness journey!


P.S. How have you handled heartburn in your pregnancy?


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