Blog 205 When Should You Worry About Vomiting in Pregnancy?

by | Jan 8, 2025 | Pregnancy, Women's Health

Morning sickness can make pregnancy uncomfortable, especially when you do not know what is normal. I experienced morning sickness with each of my pregnancies. Especially with my first pregnancy, I worried about my all-day nausea affecting my baby. Mild-to-moderate nausea and vomiting during pregnancy usually are not harmful to the mother or baby. So, if you have morning sickness, you don’t need to worry about it. However, if you do experience any of the following symptoms, please share your concerns with your health care practitioner to be on the safe side.

Severe Nausea

Severe nausea and vomiting can prevent the mother from getting the nutrition she needs and effects baby’s birth weight.

  • Lasts several hours per day and vomiting occurs more than 4 times per day
  • Could cause you to lose weight if your nausea is not managed.
  • Having little to no pee could be a sign of becoming dehydrated.

Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) is a condition that involves frequent vomiting, weight loss, and dehydration that about 1% of pregnant women experience. Other HG symptoms include pale, dry skin and a persistent, rapid heartbeat.

Medical Conditions

Investigate severe nausea and vomiting because it could be a symptom of other medical conditions.

  • Food-related illness, stomach bugs, and acid reflux are potential causes for nausea and vomiting.
  • Vomit that is brown or has blood in it could be from an ulcer, an infection, internal bleeding, or a medication like NSAIDS. It is a medical emergency.
  • Gallbladder inflammation, kidney stones, pancreatitis, or preeclampsia are also causes of nausea.

Each of the above conditions require contacting your health care professional.

Pregnancy Related Medical Conditions

Be aware of the following conditions of pregnancy that could need medical attention. Some of these may include vomiting.

  • Feeling dizzy or fainting could be from hormonal changes that cause blood vessels to dilate and relax, causing blood pressure to drop, or it could be from a blood sugar drop or pressure from the growing uterus putting pressure on the mother’s blood vessels. But it could also be an iron deficiency or a cardiac arrythmia that need to be evaluated by a doctor.
  • Vaginal spotting or bleeding could indicate a miscarriage or serious placental complication.
  • Leaking of fluid, unlike normal urinary leakage or vaginal discharge, could indicate leaking of amniotic fluid or ruptured membranes.        
  • Having pain, especially in the shoulder when lying down, can be a symptom of a ruptured ectopic pregnancy, which is a medical emergency.
  • A molar, an abnormal pregnancy where a non-viable fertilized egg implants in the uterus, can cause severe nausea and vomiting.
  • Fever over 100 degrees Fahrenheit and chills could indicate a kidney infection.

Each of the above conditions require medical attention.

Action Step

Morning sickness commonly makes a pregnant woman feel nauseous and queasy, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. However, there are times when vomiting is not normal. If you vomit more than four times a day and are losing weight or experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above, please seek advice from your medical professional.

May God bless you on your wellness journey!


P.S. What experience do you have with pregnancy nausea?


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