Blog 63: Real Marshmallow Is Herbal Medicine

by | Apr 9, 2018 | Herbs

When I am describing the herbal remedy “marshmallow”, I’m not talking about the sugary marshmallows roasted for S’mores. According to history, marshmallow root was once used to make the sugary convection. Gelatin has now replaced the root in the modern version. If you want to know more about the medicinal version, please read on.

Personal Story

What child doesn’t remember putting a marshmallow on a stick, holding it over the campfire flame, and waiting not-so patiently for the perfect brown? I remember it well! Yum!! During my herbalist training, it surprised me to learn the truth that it originally came from a plant.

Historical Medicinal Uses of Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis)

Historically, people used marshmallow for its soothing properties. When cooked, it turns thick and slimy. It is a moistening and cooling coating for the mucus membranes in the body. Even though it never reaches the urinary tract or lungs tissue, it also lubricates them indirectly. The traditional uses of marshmallow include:

  • sore throat
  • colds
  • dry coughs
  • asthma
  • mouth ulcers
  • dyspepsia
  • heartburn
  • gastroesophageal reflux
  • diarrhea
  • joints
  • urinary tract infections

One can see how marshmallow helps to expel phlegm, relaxes bronchial tubes, and coats the throat and gastrointestinal systems. It is also used topically as a poultice for:

  • wounds
  • burns
  • bruises

Marshmallow root is high in nutrients. People in the past have eaten the leaves and flowers in their salads. It is a very useful plant.


Marshmallow is considered safe for everyone, since it is a class one herb. Diabetics may want to adjust their diet for sugar in marshmallow syrup preparations. The only other caution is to wait an hour after taking marshmallow before taking any other medicine, because it may delay medicine absorption.

Action Step

The next time you want to soothe some irritation in your mouth, throat, lungs, or intestinal tract remember to consider marshmallow as a body support.

May God bless your healthful endeavors!


P.S. How have you used marshmallow to support your body?

1 Comment

  1. Tracy

    I had no idea about marshmallow root! That’s an impressive list of things that it helps. Thanks Joni!


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