Blog 160 Red Clover
Red clover grows in undisturbed areas like mountain meadows or roadsides and on river or stream banks. It is delicate, so when you harvest it, handle it gently to preserve its medicinal and...
Blog 159 Plan for Childhood Nutrition
Most parents want to make sure their children are well nourished. There are so many foods on the market today to choose from that do not provide good nutrition for a healthy child. Parents need to...
Blog 158 Health Benefits of Family Fun
Imagine a child giggling while chasing his brothers and sisters in a game of tag. Hear in your imagination the delighted laugh of a child who wins the race he had with his parents and siblings. Were...
Blog 157 What is a Doula?
When I was having my babies in the years 1980 to 1998, I had not heard of a doula. However, in the past few years, I have become acquainted with several doulas. The first one I knew through working...
Blog 156 Tips for Stress Management
Blog 156 Tips for Stress Management Are you aware of anyone who does not have stress in their life? If we are not careful, stress can cause a change our health. Some stress is good and healthy. It...
Blog 155 Pediatric Herbal Supplements
Multivitamins are the most common supplements used by parents for their children. Parents who use complementary and alternative medicine report that they also give their children herbal medicine...
Blog 154 A Successful Life
I recently heard a podcast by Dr. Henry Cloud. He gave some content around how successful people have four things that help them have a fruitful life. In this blog, I give a summary and personal...
Blog 153 Plantain
Speak of plantain, and most people think of a banana-like fruit. An herbalist knows that a weed called plantain is an herbal plant that brings people health benefits. The Native Americans called it...
Blog 152 The Paleo Diet
What is the paleo diet? The paleo diet is sometimes called the “caveman” diet. It is based on foods people could get by gathering and hunting in a time period before farming. It is a high protein,...

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