Blog 187 Pregnancy Urinary Tract Infections
Personal Story I don't remember if I ever had a urinary tract infection during any of my pregnancies, but I do know urinary tract infections are very, very painful. I can vouch for that from...
Blog 186 Healthy Cosmetics
What Are Cosmetics?
Cosmetics are preparations the are applied externally to enhance the beauty of skin, lips, hair, or nails.
Blog 185 How to Support Childhood Asthma
Asthma is the most common disorder of the lungs in children.
Blog 184 Adaptogens
American Ginseng Personal Story “Adaptogens” was a somewhat new term to me years ago when I began my study of the Naturally Healthy Herbalist Training course. I now take an adaptation every day to...
Blog 183 Am I A Hoarder?
Hording or Clutter? Personal Story Spring is here! Spring cleaning is still a thing, isn't it? I remember as a child doing spring cleaning both at my house and at my grandmother's house. It involved...
Blog 182 March Is Nutrition Month
Your nutrition is your responsibility. I once read this quote in an article: “Each of us should take personal responsibility for our diet, and our children’s diet, and the government’s role should...
Blog 181 How to Strengthen Immune Function in Pregnancy
Strengthen Your Immune Function We are exposed to many illnesses such as respiratory conditions, ear infections, sore throats, stomach bugs, and flus. Some of these illnesses can cause one to be...
Blog 180 What Is Leaky Gut?
There are many barriers and defenses by which the intestinal tract mucosa is exposed to bacteria, antigens, and chemicals and yet it can still select what is absorbed and secreted. Leaky Gut...
Blog 179 Pediatric Oncology
According to Susan F. Sencer, in Integrative Pediatrics, by Timothy P. Culbert and Karen Olness, there are about 10,000 children under the age of twenty in the United States who will be diagnosed...

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