Blog 26: Fruit Facts

Blog 26: Fruit Facts

There are many benefits to eating a whole food, mostly plant-based diet. Each person is unique and there is no one diet that is right for everyone. The balanced plate is a guideline that helps us...

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Blog 25: Back to School Organization

Blog 25: Back to School Organization

Teachers and students of all ages can benefit from getting organized during their school breaks. It matters not whether it is summer, holiday, or even a weekend. Now is the time to prepare so life...

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Blog 24: Miscarriage

Blog 24: Miscarriage

Miscarriage occurs when a baby dies within the mother’s womb before the twentieth week of pregnancy. According to the House of Dimes, about ten to fifteen percent of pregnancies of women who know...

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Blog 23: Vaginal Infections

Blog 23: Vaginal Infections

Many women get a vaginal infection sometime during their lifetime. Vaginal infections occur when the conditions are just right, and the symptoms include itching and discharge in the vaginal area....

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Blog 21: What To Do With Milk Thistle

Blog 21: What To Do With Milk Thistle

Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) is a popular liver protective tonic for hepatitis and a liver regenerative for both alcoholic and non-alcoholic liver disease or damage. While this herb is mainly...

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Blog 20: Healthy Fats

Blog 20: Healthy Fats

There is a lot of talk about fat these days. Many people go on low-fat diets thinking that the diet will help them lose weight. Low fat diets are not good for us! We need to eat undamaged, healthy...

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Blog 19: Routines

Blog 19: Routines

Routines help a person save time and mental energy. Woman can gain efficiency by making routines which serve her well. To create a routine, she lists her morning and evening activities. Then, she...

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Blog 18: Pregnancy Nutrition

Blog 18: Pregnancy Nutrition

The best dietary approach to pregnancy is to consume whole foods nutrition before trying to conceive and to continue that practice during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and beyond. Lab work can be done...

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