Blog 107 Heart Health
February is National Heart Month. Whoever decided that, must have looked at the calendar and saw that February 14th is Valentine’s Day. There are a lot of hearts seen during February when a family...
Blog 106 Pediatric Integrated Medicine
I am reading a book called Integrative Pediatrics, Edited by Timothy P. Culbert and Karen Olness. I was fascinated to read the contributor’s thoughts about the foundations of integrated pediatric...
Blog 105 White Oak Bark
White oak bark is an herb that is astringent. Astringents tighten loose body tissue. White oak bark is used topically for hemorrhoids, varicose veins, and postpartum perineal care. Families can...
Blog 103 Tips for Choosing Nutritional Supplements
Many people do not eat in a way that nourishes their bodies. They eat to please their taste buds. Even when a person tries to eat well, the foods that are available may not contain as many nutrients...
Blog 102 The Best Bathroom Ever!
What do you think of when you think of the best bathroom ever? Is it a large bathroom with skylights that fill the room with sunshine? Do you think of a jacuzzi with a ledge full of lit candles?...
Blog Making Changes Can Be a Healthful Endeavor
A new year is a great time to reflect on the past year to see how your health has improved. If you notice there is something that you could change to help you be healthier, you might to choose to....
Blog 101 Women’s Self-care
At the start of a new year, many women consider how they can improve their productivity. Some of the best changes can occur when we start taking care of ourselves. In The Seven Habits of Highly...
Blog 100 Respiratory Illness
Respiratory illness is common, especially in the winter. Winter has officially arrived, and the cold and flu season came with it. The number of people suffering from upper respiratory...
Blog 99 Valerian
Blog 99 Valerian Valerian is an herb that aids a woman in getting to sleep and having a deep relaxing sleep. Valerian has medical uses supported by clinical studies, traditional uses, and has a...

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