Blog 113 Urinary Tract Infections

Blog 113 Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infections (UTI) are common. More than half of women will have a urinary tract infection sometime during their lifetime. There are different types of infections, risk factors, and...

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Blog 111 Aloe Vera

Blog 111 Aloe Vera

An aloe vera plant contains a far greater concentrations of mucilage than is typically found in most plants. Mucilage is a gooey, slippery, sticky substance that relieves dryness, lubricates...

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Blog 109 De-Stress at Work

Blog 109 De-Stress at Work

Let’s face it! Work can be stressful! The days are often packed with never-ending to-do list items. Stress can affect our sleep, our ability to cope with day-to-day activities, and even our health....

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Blog 108 Pregnancy Health

Blog 108 Pregnancy Health

The first trimester of a woman’s pregnancy is when her body goes through many changes. To be healthy, a woman needs to be intentional about taking care of herself. Dr. Roger Walch wrote an...

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