Blog 124 Chiropractic for Children

Blog 124 Chiropractic for Children

Chiropractic is a hands-on therapy based on the theory that subluxations in the spine may cause medical disorders. The treatments usually involve adjusting the spine so that a person’s body can heal...

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Blog 123 Chickweed

Blog 123 Chickweed

Chickweed is a common yard weed that is very full of nutrients. It is often put in salad mixes. In the past, chickweed has been used both for food and as a traditional herbal medicine. Personal...

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Blog 122 What Should Kids Eat?

Blog 122 What Should Kids Eat?

Children are full of energy. They need good carbohydrates that help them meet their high energy requirements. Children are developing a brain. They need healthy, undamaged fats that will support...

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We’re Moving!

Our youngest two children have moved out. We are going to move to a smaller home and have less to maintain. We are doing a major reduction of "stuff" and will be working toward having a simpler...

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Blog 119 Vaginitis

Blog 119 Vaginitis

There are three types of vaginitis: Bacterial vaginosis (BV) and candida albicans (also called vulvovaginal candidiasis, VVC, or yeast infection), and Trichomonas. BV and VVC are two of the most...

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Blog 118 Acupuncture for Children

Blog 118 Acupuncture for Children

Acupuncture has been shown to be safe for children and teens when done by trained practitioners. Acupuncture is accomplished by inserting very small needles into the skin at certain points in the...

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Blog 117 Calendula

Blog 117 Calendula

Calendula is an herb that is good for skin health. It is supported by clinical trials for the treatment of burns. Making calendula salve is an easy way to use calendula for skin conditions. Personal...

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